Providing Feedback
How often do you praise someone for doing a good job or subtly point out to someone when they aren’t doing something correct or in the most efficient way? Feedback is often vital for a person to grow in both personal and in professional aspects.
Feedback is the 2 way flow of specific information between a manager and an employee. Specific feedback can be positive or negative.
Positive feedback is specific when a manager congratulate or thank a person for doing a good job in getting a specific task completed. It states what the job was and why the effort was appreciated, e.g. because it saved time or costs.
Negative feedback – when it is specific – is provided to eliminate or reduce a behaviour or result that was unsatisfactory. It should include corrective comments on why the behaviour did not meet the standard and be offered in a constructive manner that builds on the parts that were well done.
Feedback is information that enables individuals to compare actual performance with a given standard or expectation. Feedback involves offering your perceptions in a non-judgmental manner and supplying data that others can use to examine and change behaviours. It facilitates goal setting and performance improvement.
Through feedback, direct information is provided about how the employee has performed and how to direct future efforts in terms of corrective action (do more of this, stop doing that). If the feedback is constructive, truthful, fair and not given as a personal attack, the information gained can be invaluable in enhancing performance and personal and professional growth.
Benefits of giving, getting and asking for effective feedback include:
• Ensures that individuals focus on meeting organisational goals and objectives.
• Reinforces positive and effective actions and behaviours.
• Provides corrective action for ineffective or problematic behaviours.
• Asking for feedback on your performance can ensure that you are performing as well as you assume you are and also enable you to improve on your areas of weaknesses.
Speak up and don’t be afraid to ask. Constructive criticism, just like praise are both known to provide the recipient with the motivational drive to work harder.